How We Serve
SIMS is devoted to helping women and children throughout the Sacramento Region with a variety of programs

Grants and Service
We provide grants to deserving non-profits throughout the Sacramento region. Each year we provide around $30,000 in grants.
Learn about the Community Grant Fund
Or, apply for a grant.
Ethel Phillips Elementary
We’ve adopted Ethel Phillips Elementary School in south Sacramento, a Title I school. We’ve been providing enrichment programs to the school since 2013.
Read about Ethel’s Village
Dream It, Be It: Career Support for Girls®
We hold workshops for at-risk adolescent girls to identify and plan academic and professional goals. This effort includes team building and personal growth experiences.
Learn about Dream It, Be It
Read about our Mural Education Project

Live Your Dream: Education and Training Awards for Women®
We award up to $9,000 in scholarships each year to a serving single head of household working towards her college degree.
Learn about Live Your Dream Awards