SIMS Donates to Ethel Phillips Families

SIMS provided gifts and cash to Ethel Phillips Elementary School Families for the holidays, based on recommendations from the school counselor.

Dream It Be It Program for High School Girls

On October 23-24, SIMS held a Career Development program, called Dream It Be It, at the Community Collaborative Charter School. The girls learned tools for…

Ethel Phillips Services Fall 2023

This fall, SIMS held a Lunch Library where we handed out many books to 1st – 3rd graders. We also purchased much needed playground equipment…

SIMS Raises Funds At Yard Sale

On October 7, SIMS held a huge yard sale where we raised over $2,100 to fund our Community Assistance program.

SIMS To Kick-Off 23-24 Year

SIMS will meet on Thursday morning September 7 to kick-off our coming year. We held our Annual Retreat in July to focus on strategies to…